Sunday, September 21, 2008

Southern Miss

Luke and I took the boys the the Southern Game on Saturday, and they had so much fun! unfortunately the game did not turn out in our favor, but it was a good experience for the boys. They got to see where mom and dad went to school, and also got to see the band.( I think the band was there favorite part!) My sweet little James Henry was such a trooper, half way through the day we noticed he had a fever :( We would have never known it he was still having a good time! I can't wait until we can go back for another game!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

We had a great time at the Beach, the boys loved it! James Henry would just roll over and over, and get sand EVERYWHERE! Then he would want to go to the water and try to drink it! (I guess he liked the salt taste!) He loved the ocean, in fact the last day we were there, Luke took him out on the raft, and he fell asleep. Luke Harris did not like the water to much he hated it when it splashed him in the face! His favorite part was trying to catch crabs at night! Luke and I celebrated our five year anniversary while we were there, and also found out we were going to have baby #3 ! we are sooooo excited! cant wait to go back next year with the whole group!