Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's A Girl!!!!

Last Tuesday was a day in mine and Luke's life that we will never forget! We had been to the Dr. on Monday, and he told me that I could stop taking the medicine he had put me on for the pre-term labor. He then told us that we would have a baby on Friday, IF nothing happened in between. I was going about my daily routine with the boys on Tuesday, and making lunch when I started noticing that I was having some contractions. We finished lunch, and I got the boys down for a nap when I realized that I needed to start timing them. I called the Dr when the contractions were between 4-7 minutes apart, and they told me to head to the hospital and get hooked up to the monitors so they could see what was going on. So I called Luke and said this may be it! Luke rushed home from work, and started getting things together. The boys were still asleep, so Luke called on Adam to see if he would come and sit with them until one of the grandparents could get there. We got the the hospital around 2:30. They were so busy delivering babies that day, that it took us until 3:30 to get a room! After we were hooked up for a while, the nurse came in and said that Dr. Tucker had called and said that we would have a baby around 5:30. When family started arriving, everyone kept on and on about how there had been 11 babies born that day, and only two were little boys! I just knew that we would have baby Rhett and make number three! It was around 6:20 or so when they came and rolled me back to surgery. 6:49 p.m. on January 20, 2009, was a moment in mine and Luke's life that we will remember FOREVER! Dr. Tucker, and the nurse told us "IT'S A GIRL!" Luke and i looked at each other with little Lucy screaming in the background and we both had tears in our eyes! At that moment, I felt like my life was complete! So thank you Lucy Elizabeth for completing our little family, and I can not wait to see what the future hold for you and your big brothers!
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I think the waiting room was full of our whole family! Everyone was so excited when Luke came out and told them that it was a girl! (Notice the faces in the bottom left picture!) Luke Harris and James Henry were introduced to their baby sister! I can not wait to see the interaction between the boys and little Lucy! I know that she will always have her two wonderful body guards!
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Lucy had so many people come to welcome her to the world! Here are some pictures of Lucy and her visitors!

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We brought Lucy home on Thursday. The boys have been so good with her! Luke Harris is so proud of his little sister! He tells everyone who walked through the door, "Come look at My sister Lucy!" We attempted to get a family photo before leaving the hospital, and with three little ones, I have come to find out that that is almost impossible! Now that we have baby Lucy home, we are looking forward to finding that new normal, and enjoying our little family of five!

Here are some pictures of the day that we brought Lucy home! You can click on the collage to make it bigger, and then scroll across it to see the whole thing!
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